Seminarium om modellering

Posted by Karl Filipsson | Seminar

På fredag 15 mars kommer Ola Nordblom från DHI (som arbetar med vattenmiljöer, med tonvikt på avancerad tillämpning av beräkningsmodeller) till Karlstads universitet. Klockan 11:00 kommer det att vara ett öppet diskussionsseminarium, där (1) Ola presenterar DHIs verksamhet och hur ekologisk forskning kan vara av intresse för deras framtida projekt, och (2) forskargruppen NRRV presenterar sina forskningsområden och framtida behov av samarbeten kring modellering.

Seminariet kommer hållas i rum 5F416.

Forskare, doktorander och studenter är välkomna!

Raft spider (Dolomedes sp.)

A PhD position in biology (community and food web ecology) is now open for application at Karlstad University. The project will focus on evaluating the ability of forested buffer strips to maintain cross boundaries fluxes between streams and riparian ecosystems.

The aim of the PhD project is to (i) analyse the link between riparian forest buffer width and functional diversity of riparian predator communities, (ii) define optimal buffer zones for conservation of riparian ecosystem functions, based on food web complexity and ecological niches (using stable isotopes) and (iii) use DNA-barcoding to study variation in prey preference with varying buffer width and test stable isotopes as a tool to assess riparian ecosystem functions in forestry affected landscapes.

The position is full time for four years but may be extended if department duties such as teaching (maximum 20 % of a full-time position) are included.

Last application date is 14 March 2019.

Read more and apply for the position here!


River Mörrumsån, Sweden



Two PhD positions (1: vegetation ecology, 2: ecosystem function/host-parasite interactions) are now open for applicants at Karlstad University. Both positions are full time for five years within the River Ecology and Management (NRRV) research group and include 80 % research and 20 % department duties (mainly teaching).

The applications for both positions close on 31 January 2019.


PhD position in vegetation ecology

River Klarälven, Värmland

The project will study which factors control diaspore dispersal and plant community composition along boreal streams, which in turn may have cascading effects on functional plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. The specific research questions to be addressed will be decided in consultation with the candidate. Areas of particular interest are (1) the effects of local and landscape-scale factors for plant species composition and diversity and cascading effects on ecosystem functioning and (2) studies of factors promoting or constraining plant dispersal along streams.

Read more and apply for the position here!


Ecosystem function/host-parasite interactions

The position will focus on either the role of mussels for ecosystem function or host-parasite interactions. Areas of interest are (1) the role of mussels for stream ecosystem function and (2) host-parasite interactions between mussels and their host fish. The specific research questions to be addressed will be decided in consultation with the candidate.

Read more and apply for the position here!

Job: Project assistant

Posted by Karl Filipsson | Jobs

River Klarälven, Värmland, Sweden

A position as project assistant (6 months with possible extension) in NRRV is open for application at Karlstad University. The position involves fieldwork, laboratory work and data analysis within the fields of fish ecology, stream ecology and river rehabilitation.

Read more and apply for the position here, last day of application is 7 May 2018.

A postdoc position in the ecology of river restoration is open for applications at Karlstad University: “The main duty of the position is to conduct research on the effects of dam removal and the installation of fish-friendly turbines on river connectivity and ecology. Intact river connectivity is essential for many organisms in running water, and especially so for organisms that move between different habitats to complete their life cycle, such as many migratory fish species. Many rivers are modified by dams such as hydroelectric power plants. Dams disconnect river stretches and habitats, thereby reducing dispersal and migration possibilities for fish, benthos, and plants, with negative effects on individuals, populations, and communities. The post-doctoral candidate will be expected to evaluate the effects of complete dam removal and installation of fish-friendly turbines as measures to improve connectivity in rivers.“. The deadline for applying is February 28. Read the full announcement here:

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Ecology of River Restoration: Dam Removal and fish-friendly Turbine

As advertised previously, NRRV at Karlstad University, also has two additional openings for full-time post-doctoral research fellows and one opening for a PhD-student (deadline February 10). Read full announcements for these positions here:

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Ecology of River Connectivity.

PhD position in Global climate change and winter ecology

removalThere are currently two openings for full-time post-doctoral research fellows with the River Ecology and Management (NRRV) group at the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Karlstad University  One position is in the field of stream-riparian ecology with focus on the reciprocal interactions and linkages between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. The other position is on river connectivity with focus on rehabilitation, management and development strategies. Read full position announcements here:

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Ecology of River Connectivity

Last application date is February 10.


PENNRRV (eng. River Ecology and Management Research Group) is presented in the Pan European Networks’ publication Science and Technology:

“The River Ecology and Management Research Group at Karlstad University, Sweden, develops innovative solutions to environmental problems in direct collaboration with stakeholders such as municipalities, NGOs and industry.

The River Ecology and Management Research Group, consisting of four full professors, six researchers and seven graduate students, works towards advancing the understanding of freshwater ecosystems and their surrounding landscapes. The group conducts both basic and applied ecological research in all types of fluvial environments, from small streams to large rivers. According to the United Nation’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, freshwaters are among the world’s most imperilled habitats, and the past 50 years have seen drastic declines in freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services due to anthropogenic habitat alteration. Much of the group’s research focuses on understanding the effects of flow modification and habitat loss on responses by different organisms, and applying results to solve real-world, challenge-driven problems. Studies are conducted in countries across the globe, solving environmental problems in transdisciplinary settings. Our 250m2, state-of-the-art fluvial aquarium facility enables us to experimentally identify mechanistic, behavioural responses to environmental conditions. Recent large research projects focus on fish passage in regulated rivers, forest-stream interactions, fish winter ecology, and fish-mussel host-parasite interactions…”.

Read the whole article here.

Den vetenskapliga artikeln “Ice cover alters the behavior and stress level of brown trout Salmo trutta”, om juvenila öringars vinterbeteende, har publicerats i Behavioral Ecology. Artikeln är resultatet av ett avdelningsgemensamt experiement på Karlstads Universitet där Johan Watz och Bror Jonsson hållit i taktpinnen.  Övriga författare är Eva Bergman, Olle Calles, Åsa Enefalk, Stina Gustafsson, Anna Hagelin, Anders Nilsson, Johnny Norrgård, Daniel Nyqvist, Martin Österling, John Piccolo, Lea Schneider och Larry Greenberg.

I abstraktet beskrivs studien: “Surface ice in rivers and lakes buffers the thermal environment and provides overhead cover, protecting aquatic animals from terrestrial predators. We tested if surface ice influenced the behavior (swimming activity, aggressive encounters, and number of food items eaten) and stress level (coloration of eyes and body) of stream-living brown troutSalmo trutta at temperatures of 3–4 °C in indoor experimental flumes. We hypothesized that an individual’s resting metabolic rate (RMR, as measured by resting ventilation rate) would affect winter behavior. Therefore, groups of 4 trout, consisting of individuals with high, low, or mixed (2 individuals each) RMR, were exposed to experimental conditions with or without ice cover. Ice cover reduced stress responses, as evaluated by body coloration. Also, trout in low RMR groups had a paler body color than those in both mixed and high RMR groups. Trout increased their swimming activity under ice cover, with the highest activity found in high RMR groups. Ice cover increased the number of aggressive encounters but did not influence the number of drifting food items taken by each group. In mixed RMR groups, however, single individuals were better able to monopolize food than in the other groups. As the presence of surface ice increases the activity level and reduces stress in stream-living trout, ice cover should influence their energy budgets and production. The results should be viewed in light of ongoing global warming that reduces the duration of ice cover, especially at high latitudes and altitudes.”

Läs artikeln här. Om du inte har tillgång till tidskriftens innehåll men ändå vill läsa artikeln, maila någon av författarna!


Under förra veckan besökte sju av oss från Karlstads Universitet Nederländerna för att diskutera den projekterade Fish Migration River. Det är en enorm fiskväg som är tänkt att gå genom Afsluitdijk, en tidvattensbarriär mellan Waadenzee i Nordsjön och den skapade sötvattenssjön Zuiderzee i Nederländerna. NRRV, med Olle Calles och Eva Bergman i spetsen, har varit ansvariga för att ta fram en monitoringplan för att utvärdera fiskvandringen genom och vid den tänkta fiskvägen. I fredags besökte vi Afsluitdijk tillsammans med forskare från IMARES, lokala förvaltare och organisatörer från Fish-migration-river-teamet. Efter besöket disktuerade vi fiskvägens design och monitoringens utförande.

Den stora utmaningen är att släppa in vandrande fiskar men inte saltvatten. I dagsläget är tidvattenslussarna stängda vid högvatten och fisken tvingas, om den vill förbi slussarna, simma mot starka strömmar vid lågvatten. Fiskar som kan tänkas använda fiskvägen är bland annat storspigg, ål, havsnejonöga, flodnejonöga, staksill, nors, skrubbskädda, öring och sik, med lax och stör som spektakulära framtida målarter. För den mer långvandrande anadroma fisken är Rhens vattenssystem ett troligt slutmål. En tiondel av Rhens vatten rinner ut genom slussarna vid Afsluitdijk. Fiskvägen skulle också kunna användas av sötvattensfisk, såsom gös och gärs, för att ta sig in i sjön igen, efter att ha spolats ut när tidvattensslussarna öppnas.


En simulering av Fish migration River (bilden från


Utflödesområdet för vatten från slussarna. Det är i det här området, förmodligen till vänster om bilden, som fiskvägen planeras att byggas. Stolparna vi ser, och de ryssjor som hör till dem, är en del av ett övervakningsprogram för att undersöka vilka fiskar som finns i området, var de uppehåller sig och hur detta skiljer sig åt i tiden.


Slussarna under fallande tidvatten. När tidvattennivån är låg strömmar sötvatten ut från sjön, genom slussarna.