Posted by Olle Calles | Konferens, Naturresurs rinnande vatten

Läs mer om NoWPaS på hemsidan, separat fil om NoWPaS2012 och nedan det brev som skickats ut om mötet 2012:

This year is a special one! In 2012, the European (formerly Nordic) Workshop of PhD and Post-Doctoral fellows on anadromous Salmonids (NoWPaS) will repeat its success from the first NoWPaS workshop ever held in 2005, returning to its origins in Trondheim, Norway!

In 2005 a new network was established for PhD and Post Doctoral students within Salmo salar and Salmo trutta research. Today, NoWPaS is a global network with more than 100 members and seven workshops have been held with great success in Sweden (2006), Finland (2007), Denmark (2008), England (2009), Scotland (2010) and France (2011). This Workshop gives the opportunity to PhD students and post-docs to present their work and in addition, 3-4 key-note speakers will be present to share their knowledge and experience.

Please find attached more information about NoWPaS, registration and abstract submission. Please disseminate this information to people/labs who may be interested.

Hope to see you all in Trondheim on March 22-25th to celebrate the homecoming event and have constructive discussions in a relaxed atmosphere!

The committee

Roser Casas-Mulet (roser.casas-mulet at

Michael Puffer (michael.puffer at

Petra Rodewald (petra.rodewald at

Monica F. Solberg (monica.solberg at

Ciar O’Toole (ciar.otoole at

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