PENNRRV (eng. River Ecology and Management Research Group) is presented in the Pan European Networks’ publication Science and Technology:

“The River Ecology and Management Research Group at Karlstad University, Sweden, develops innovative solutions to environmental problems in direct collaboration with stakeholders such as municipalities, NGOs and industry.

The River Ecology and Management Research Group, consisting of four full professors, six researchers and seven graduate students, works towards advancing the understanding of freshwater ecosystems and their surrounding landscapes. The group conducts both basic and applied ecological research in all types of fluvial environments, from small streams to large rivers. According to the United Nation’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, freshwaters are among the world’s most imperilled habitats, and the past 50 years have seen drastic declines in freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services due to anthropogenic habitat alteration. Much of the group’s research focuses on understanding the effects of flow modification and habitat loss on responses by different organisms, and applying results to solve real-world, challenge-driven problems. Studies are conducted in countries across the globe, solving environmental problems in transdisciplinary settings. Our 250m2, state-of-the-art fluvial aquarium facility enables us to experimentally identify mechanistic, behavioural responses to environmental conditions. Recent large research projects focus on fish passage in regulated rivers, forest-stream interactions, fish winter ecology, and fish-mussel host-parasite interactions…”.

Read the whole article here.