Canadian RiversThe Mactaquac Aquatic Ecosystem Study (MAES) team will organize a Fish Passage Expert Workshop Nov 3 – 4, 2014 that will be available to the wider community in webinar format.

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WORKSHOP AGENDA (Atlantic Standard Time)

Mon, Nov 3, 2014
08.30-08.40 – Welcome – Tommi Linnansaari; Canadian Rivers Institute (CRI)
08.40-09.20 – Intro to NB Power Mactaquac Project  – George Porter; Mactaquac Project Manager, NB Power
09.20-09.45 – Intro to Mactaquac Aquatic Ecosystem Study (MAES) and Saint John River – Allen Curry; MAES Principal Investigator, CRI
09.45-10.15 – Intro to fishes and hydropower operations of Saint John River – Tommi Linnansaari; CRI

10.20-12.00 – Site visit to the Mactaquac Generating Station
12.45-13.30 – Expert Presentation 1 : Fishway science relevant to fish assemblages- Steven Cooke; Carleton University (Can)
13.30-14.15 – Expert Pres’n 2 : Fish passage: challenges, failures, and potential solutions – Paul Kemp; University of Southampton (UK)
14.15-15.00 – Expert Pres’n 3 : Approach of fish migration and fish passages in Neotropical regulated rivers: the case of Upper Paraná River, Brazil – Sergio Makrakis; Western Parana University (Brazil)

15.30-16.15 – Expert Pres’n 4 : Nature-like fishways around the world: What we are learning – Laura Wildman; Princeton Hydro (USA)
16.15-17.00 – Expert Pres’n 5 :Turbine technologies and turbine survival – Greg Allen; Alden Research Laboratory (USA)
17.00-17.15 – Wrap-up: Day 1

Tues, Nov 4, 2014
8.25-8.30 – Re-cap of Day 1 – Tommi Linnansaari; CRI
8.30-9.15 – Expert Pres’n 6 : Introduction to Upstream Fish Passage Systems – Ed Meyer; National Marine Fisheries Service – West Coast Region (USA)
9.15-10.00 – Expert Pres’n 7 : Discussion of Downstream Passage Systems at Columbia River Dams – John Williams; School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington (USA)

10.15-11.00 – Expert Pres’n 8 : MAES – Fish passage considerations at Mactaquac Dam and the Saint John – Chris Katopodis; Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd. (Can)
11.00-11.45 – Expert Pres’n 9 : Removal or Rebuild? Considerations for the MAES from a river continuity perspective – Alex Haro; USGS, Conte Lab (USA)

Full agenada in pdf-format available here: Fish Passage Expert Workshop 2014.