On 13 September, 10:00 AM, Jacqueline Hoppenreijs will defend her PhD thesis. The thesis, titled Rooting for riparian vegetation – processes underlying community composition in boreal ecosystems, covers the roles of hydrology and geomorphology in dispersal and environmental filtering of riparian vegetation, and builds on four papers:
1. Pressures on Boreal Riparian Vegetation: A Literature Review https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.806130
2. Seed dispersal of riparian plants: mapping hydrochory across hydrology and geomorphology
3. Effects of dispersal and geomorphology on riparian seed banks and vegetation in a boreal stream https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13240
4. Riparian vegetation in a regulated and a free-flowing river: effects of stream size, order and tributaries
The full thesis can be downloaded from DiVA. The defence is open to the public, and it is possible to follow it on our campus and on Zoom. Please contact jacqueline.hoppenreijs@kau.se for more information.