streamecologyKarlstad University has a master program in Stream Ecology: The educational program focuses on the ecology of streams and rivers, but also includes how man affects different freshwater environments and sustainable solutions for problems in these environments. We are located on the banks of Scandinavia’s longest river, on the shores of the EU’s largest lake. We have field studies located throughout Sweden, with international cooperation throughout Europe and North America. We also house the largest indoor stream aquarium facility in Sweden, where research on stream ecology is conducted year round. Close cooperation with faculty, researchers, and graduate students with a strong commitment to stream ecology prepares you for further research or for employment in Sweden and abroad.

The programme is offered as both campus and distance studies with obligatory examinations at Karlstad University about 2-3 occasions each semester. The training focuses on the study of freshwater environments with special focus on running water connected to the strong research environment at Karlstad University. Particular emphasis is placed on studies of fish and other organisms in the anthropogenically-influenced habitats and on the methods to solve applied problems. The programme includes courses that certify certain specific areas in studies of freshwater environments and thus enables consulting on advanced level. You are also offered the opportunity to do thesis research connected to ongoing research projects or in cooperation with one of our external partners. Studies are conducted on the full-time schedule for two years. You plan, together with a counselor, how your studies will be (an individual study plan submitted). Because the programme focuses on applied research projects, you gain experience working with government, private, and non-profit agencies. You can also choose yourself the extent to which your studies are linked to the labor market through the elective courses you choose.

Admission to the programme requires Upper Secondary English course 5 or equivalent, and a Bachelor degree of 180 ECTS credits including at least 90 ECTS credits in Biology, with a profile in Ecology.

Contact director John Piccolo , director of studies or Stina Eriksson, student councellor.

Admission by 15 april!

Det går fortfarande att anmäla sig till masterkursen “Vetenskapliga metoder i sötvattensbiologi” som ges på Karlstads Universitet senare under våren:

“Under kursen möter du alla ingående moment i ett forskningsprojekt, så som frågeställning, studiedesign, genomförande, analys och presentation. Stor vikt läggs vid de senaste och viktigaste och metoderna som används inom forskning och miljöövervakning inom sötvattensekologi. Du får teoretiska och praktiska färdigheter för att fånga, märka och spåra fisk (telemetri); elfiske, biotopkartering, hydraulisk kartläggning, bottenfaunaprovtagning, provtagning på stormusslor m.m. Dessutom får du en unik kompetens i hur man återskapar upp- och nedströmspassage för fisk i reglerade vattendrag. Intyg på genomgånga moment ger dig möjlighet att åberopa färdigheterna när du söker jobb. I kursen medverkar forskare och doktorander i rinnande vattens ekologi  och undervisningen sker i direkt kontakt med de högaktuella forskningsprojekt som pågår vid biologiavdelningen.” Ansök här.


Ett meddelande från Karlstads Universitet… 


And the message continues… We are located on the banks of Scandinavia’s longest river, on the shores of the EU’s largest lake. We have field studies located throughout Sweden, with international cooperation throughout Europe and North America. We also house the largest indoor stream aquarium facility in Sweden, where research on stream ecology is conducted year round. Close cooperation with faculty, researchers, and graduate students with a strong commitment to stream ecology prepares you for further research or for employment in Sweden and abroad. Apply by 15 april!