World Fish Migration Day 2016
Posted by Daniel Nyqvist | NyheterWorld Fish Migration Day will be organized on a multitude of locations around the globe on the 21st of May 2016. The organizers at World Fish Migration Platform encourage local events and activities. In an e-mail sent out to potentially interested persons, groups and organizations they write:

At one can see already registered events on a world map.
“On behalf of the World Fish Migration Platform, you are invited to join the 2nd World Fish Migration Day, to be held on the 21st of May 2016.
With WFMD2016 the WFMP hope to achieve a big impact on fish migration policies, measures and management, from local to global. Local events can be: celebration on a dam/weir removal, inauguration of a fishway or a river restoration project, special trainings/workshops, research activities in the field, special school programs and involving students/citizens, etc. Come join in the celebrations by organizing an event with your organization on World Fish Migration Day 2016…
…If you would like to host an event, you can register your event directly on our website If you have any questions or would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact Kerry Brink.”