Seminar: Ecomorphological effects of experimental floods in an alpine river: insights from the long-term e-flow program on the Spöl River
Posted by Louis Addo | SeminarOn 27 February, Gabriele Consoli will be giving a seminar to our department with the title Ecomorphological effects of experimental floods in an alpine river: insights from the long-term e-flow program on the Spöl River. His work centers on the ways in which large wood and flow management affect rivers and their ecological functioning. Having a background in ecology and geomorphology, he now works as a postdoc at the River Ecosystems research group at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), where he combines abiotic, biotic and drone data to find out how flow affects the geomorphology and ecology of streams.

Read more about the River Ecosystems research group on their website and join us for the seminar on 27 February at 13:15 CET via